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. 2014 Jun 5;9(6):e98443. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098443

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study participants.

Characteristics SDPIC Others Total
Male, n = 630, n (%) 462 (96.7) 143 (94.1) 605 (96.0)
Age, n = 611, median (range) 33 (16–67) 35 (18–58) 33 (16–67)
Race/Ethnicity, n = 463 Non-Hispanic white, n (%) 155 (48.1) 63 (44.7) 218 (47.1)
Non-Hispanic black, n (%) 14 (4.4) 22 (15.6) 36 (7.8)
Hispanic, n (%) 122 (37.9) 42 (29.8) 164 (35.4)
Other, n (%) 31 (9.6) 14 (9.9) 45 (9.7)
Risk Factors for HIV MSM, n = 590, n (%) 444 (97.2) 125 (94.0) 569 (96.4)
Heterosexual, n = 614, n (%) 29 (6.1) 16 (11.4) 45 (7.3)
Injection drug use, n = 623, n (%) 17 (3.6) 12 (8.3) 29 (4.7)
Elapsed time Days from HIV-1 infection to study entry, n = 478, median (range) 70 (7–170) N/A* N/A*
Days from study entry to first pol sequence, n = 640, median (range) 0 (0–1462) 0 (0–1813) 0 (0–1813)
Days from study entry to start or ART, n = 341, median (range) 72 (0–3718) N/A* N/A*
Weeks from study entry to last visit, n = 634, median (range) 98.3 (0–667.7) 2.0 (0–293.2) 60.1 (0–667.7)
Laboratories (n = 616) CD4 (cells/mm3), median (range) 500 (67–1380) 378 (7–2273) 484 (7–2273)
Viral load (HIV–1 RNA log10 copies/mL), median (range) 5.0 (0–7.8) 4.1 (0–7.0) 4.9 (0–7.8)
50–1500 copies/mL, n (%) 27 (5.7) 38 (27.5) 65 (10.6)
1501–,000 copies/mL, n (%) 63 (13.2) 24 (17.4) 87 (14.1)
10,001–100,000 copies/mL, n (%) 143 (29.9) 46 (33.3) 189 (30.7)
>100,000 copies/mL, n (%) 245 (51.3) 30 (21.7) 275 (44.6)

SDPIC  =  San Diego Primary Infection Cohort, Others  =  non-SDPIC participants, MSM  =  men who have sex with men, ART  =  antiretroviral therapy.

*Date of infection and start of ART were not estimated for non-SDPIC participants.