Table 1.
Participant Demographic Information
Characteristic | Children with ASD (n = 14) | Children with typical development (n = 15) | ||
| ||||
M | Range | M | Range | |
Age a | 61.07 | 46–82 | 56.47 | 42–70 |
Mullen Scales of Early Learning | ||||
Early Learning Composite** | 88.1 | 51–112 | 110.6 | 81–135 |
Overall Mental-Agea | 55 | 29.5–66.5 | 59.63 | 43.25–67.25 |
Visual Reception T-Score | 42.86 | 22–59 | 51.13 | 20–70 |
Visual Reception Age Equivalence a | 55.07 | 20–69 | 56.6 | 45–69 |
Fine Motor T-Score | 44.71 | 20–60 | 55.40 | 42–72 |
Fine Motor Age Equivalencea | 56.29 | 30–68 | 58.40 | 42–68 |
Receptive T-Score | 44.64 | 20–62 | 58.73 | 43–90 |
Receptive Age Equivalence a | 56.43 | 27–69 | 61.33 | 37–69 |
Expressive T-Score | 41.5 | 20–62 | 60.40 | 41–96 |
Expressive Age Equivalence a | 52.07 | 18–70 | 62.20 | 40–70 |
| ||||
ADOS=G: Modules 1 and 2 | ||||
Social | 9.04 | 4.5–13 | 0 | |
Communication | 7.14 | 2–22 | 0 | |
Behavior | 3.92 | 1–7 | 0 | |
Total | 16.18 | 6.5–30 | 0 | |
Parent Education Level b | 3.85 | 0–7.5 | 4.77 | 2–8.5 |
Significant difference between children with ASD and children with typical development, (p < .01).
Presented in months.
Years beyond high school averaged for both parents.
Social = Qualitative impairments in reciprocal social interaction; Behavior = Stereotyped behaviors and restricted interests; Total = total ADOS score.