Figure 7.
Overexpression of Myc in primary mouse hematopoietic progenitors results in elevated DSBs. (A) Murine c-kit+ enriched cells were transduced with MSCV-Ires-GFP control virus or MSCV-Myc-Ires-GFP and virally transduced cells were sort purified (GFP+/propidium iodide negative) after 3 days. DNA was subjected to the neutral Comet assay. The experiment was repeated 2 times, and 100 Comets were scored for each experiment. Box-whisker plots were generated as previously described in Figure 4. (B) Representative Comets from c-kit+ enriched cells transduced with control virus (MSCV) and the Myc overexpressing virus (MSCV-Myc) are shown.