Table 2.
Standardized Direct, Indirect and Total Effects on CES-D Among Chinese First Generation Immigrants in Greater Los Angeles.a
Predictor | Direct | Indirect | Total |
Immigrant stress | .383 | - | .383 |
Ln acculturation | - | −.505 | −.505 |
Time in U.S. | - | −.023 | −.023 |
Age | - | .018 | .018 |
Health Status | −1.018 | −.447 | −1.466 |
Family Income | - | −.063 | −.063 |
American Citizen | - | −.403 | −.403 |
Social Support | - | .141 | .141 |
Education | - | −.024 | −.024 |
Numbers in cells are direct, indirect, and total effects based on path analysis. The model improved fit significantly, χ2 (14)=42.41, P<.001, RMSEA=.041, CFI=.957, TLI=.926. “Ln” indicates the natural logarithm of acculturation was used to constrain skewness.