HFS, but not LFS of the fimbria has opposite effect on accumbens plasticity in saline- and MAM-treated animals. (A and B) Representative example of extracellular recordings from NAc neuron activity evoked by fimbria stimulation before and after HFS to the fimbria in saline-treated animals (A) and MAM-treated animals (B). Twenty-five overlaid consecutive traces are shown with the numbers demonstrating the number of evoked spikes for 25 stimulations. Scale: 10 mV, 2 ms. (C) Mean percent change (±SEM) in fimbria-evoked spike probability, normalized to the baseline, after HFS to the fimbria in saline-treated (black circles) and MAM-treated (gray circles) animals (*P < 0.05; arrow indicates the time of stimulation). (D) Mean percent change in fimbria-evoked responses (±SEM) following HFS in saline-treated (black bar) and MAM-treated (gray bar) animals. (E) Mean percent change (±SEM) in fimbria-evoked spike probability, normalized to the baseline, after LFS to the fimbria in saline-treated (black circles) and MAM-treated (gray circles) animals (arrow indicates time of stimulation). (F) Mean percent change in fimbria-evoked responses (±SEM) following LFS in saline-treated (black bar) and MAM-treated (gray bar) animals.