Confirmatory assays for compound 43, VAS2870, and DPI. a, measurement of OCRs by dHL60 cells using a 96-well extracellular flux analyzer, Seahorse XF96. b, effect of compound 43 (50 μm), VAS2870 (1 μm), DPI (1 μm), SOD (0.1 mg/ml), and CAT (0.1 kilounit/ml) on the yield of spin adduct formed by trapping dHL60-derived O2⨪ by DEPMPO (50 mm). c, concentration dependence of the effect of compound 43, VAS2870, and DPI on PMA-stimulated probe oxidation by dHL60 cells. HE oxidation to 2-OH-E+ and CBA oxidation to COH were monitored simultaneously by HPLC. Error bars, S.D.