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. 2014 Jun 6;5:164. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00164

Table 1.

LncRNAs in neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders.

lncRNA Classification Function References
AK055040 Promoter-associated Located upstream of CACN2D1; interacts with SUZ12 and is required for neural induction of ES cells Ng et al. (2012)
AK091713 Overlapping Contains miRNAs Mir125B and LET7A and the nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein BLID within its introns; required for neural induction of ES cells by regulated expression of miRNAs that promote neurogenesis Ng et al. (2012)
AK124684 lincRNA Interacts with the master negative regulator of neurogenesis, REST; required for neural induction of ES cells Ng et al. (2012)
ANRIL/CDKN2B-AS Antisense CDKN2B located on the opposite strand within ANRIL intron1; binds chromatin-modifying complexes to regulate CDKN2A/B expression; mutations in promoter and transcript sequence correlate with multiple genetic disorders Yap et al. (2010), Aguilo et al. (2011), Kotake et al. (2011), Pasmant et al. (2011a,b), Congrains et al. (2013)
BACE1-AS NAT Positive regulator of BACE1 expression; increased expression correlates with Alzheimer’s disease pathology Faghihi et al. (2008),
Modarresi et al. (2011)
BDNF-AS NAT Negative regulation of BDNF through recruitment of chromatin-modifying complex to BDNF locus Modarresi et al. (2012)
CDRas1 circRNA miR-7 decoy; over-expression results in the reduced size of the zebrafish midbrain, similar to miR-7 loss-of-function Memczak et al. (2013)
Cyrano lincRNA Loss of function results in small eyes and brains due to a reduction in neural specification; may function as a miR-7 decoy transcript Ulitsky et al. (2011)
Dlx1AS Enhancer-associated and NAT Overlaps conserved enhancer between Dlx1/2; inhibits Dlx1 expression; loss causes increased interneuron number; required for neuronal differentiation of ES cells Dinger et al. (2008), Mercer et al. (2010), Kraus et al. (2013)
Evf2/Dlx6AS Enhancer-associated Overlaps conserved enhancer between Dlx5/6; recruits Dlx1/2 and MECP2 to Dlx5/6 enhancer to control GABAergic interneuron specification; loss causes reduced GABAergic neuron number and reduced inhibition of CA1 pyramidal neurons Feng et al. (2006), Bond et al. (2009), Berghoff et al. (2013)
GDNF-OS Promoter-associated opposite strand Negative regulation of GDNF Airavaara et al. (2011), Modarresi et al. (2012)
Gomafu/Miat/RNCR2 lincRNA Interacts with splicing factors to regulate alternative splicing; inhibits amacrine cell specification; associated in GWAS studies with eye movement disorders in schizophrenia; down-regulated in schizophrenic brains Takahashi et al. (2003), Rapicavoli et al. (2010), Tsuiji et al. (2011), Barry et al. (2013)
Kcna2AS NAT Inhibits expression of Kcna2; results in decreased voltage-gated potassium currents and increased resting membrane potential leading to pain hypersensitivity Zhao et al. (2013)
Linc-Brn1b lincRNA Loss causes reduced Brn1 expression, reduced proliferation of intermediate progenitors in the SVZ of the dorsal telencephalon and fewer upper layer cortical neurons Sauvageau et al. (2013)
Linc00299 lincRNA Deletion/interruption results in cognitive developmental delay in humans caused by improper neural development Talkowski et al. (2012)
Malat1 lincRNA Regulation of alternative splicing through recruitment of slicing factors to paraspeckles; regulation of synaptogenesis through gene splicing; cis- regulation of gene expression Bernard et al. (2010), Tripathi et al. (2010), Zong et al. (2011), Zhang et al. (2012)
Megamind lincRNA Loss of function results in small eyes and brains due to a reduction in neural specification Ulitsky et al. (2011)
Neat1 lincRNA Induction of paraspeckle formation Clemson et al. (2009)
Paupar lincRNA; Promoter-associated? Negative regulation of Pax6 expression; regulation of Pax6 target gene (and others) expression through occupancy of promoter sequences Vance et al. (2014)
RMST lincRNA Binds to Sox2 and the promoters of Sox2 targets to facilitate Sox2-dependent neural induction Ng et al. (2012, 2013)
Six3OS Promoter-associated opposite strand Regulation of Six3 targets through interactions with Eya proteins and the chromatin-modifying protein Ezh2; required for neural specification of ES cells Alfano et al. (2005), Zhao et al. (2010), Rapicavoli et al. (2011)
Sox2dot Enhancer-associated Overlaps a distal enhancer of Sox2; expressed in neurogenic regions of the brain Amaral et al. (2009)
Tug1 lincRNA Up-regulated in response to taurine; inhibition of cone photoreceptor specification through PRC2 complex-mediated chromatin modifications affecting cell-cycle regulation Altshuler et al. (1993), Young et al. (2005), Khalil et al. (2009)
TUNA lincRNA Regulates pluripotency by recruiting RNA biding proteins to Sox2, Nanog, and Fgf4 promoters; required for neural specification of ES cells Lin et al. (2014)
utNgn1 Enhancer-associated Located ~6 kb upstream of Neurog1gene; required for proper Neurog1 transcription and mouse cortical progenitor differentiation Onoguchi et al. (2012)
Vax2OS Promoter-associated opposite strand Maintenance of proliferation through alterations to cell cycle progression in neural progenitors Meola et al. (2012)