The web of interactions and magnitude of effects between microparasite species in the
Kielder field voles. Positive associations (odds ratio [OR]>1) are in red,
negative associations (OR<1) in blue, with intensity of line reflecting the
magnitude of an effect. 95% confidence intervals of OR shown in parentheses. Infection
history associated with effect also noted: N = negative, P = positive. NP therefore
signifies no infection at t-1 and infection at
t0. Thus, for example, individuals with chronic B. microti
infections are ∼2 times more likely to be infected with A.
phagocytophilum (OR = 2·34) while those with new B. microti
infection are ∼5 times more likely to be infected (OR = 5·43). From Telfer et
al. (2010).