M1 mAChR dependent non-amyloidogenic processing of AβPP is maintained in rats with noradrenergic sympathetic sprouting and cholinergic reinnervation. The αCTF/βCTF/actin ratio in area CA1 (a) and DG (b) was not different between control, GX or MS rats, demonstrating a compensatory role of sprouting on non-amyloidogenic AβPP metabolism. Control and MS rats treated systemically with the M1 mAChR antagonist dicyclomine had a significant decrease in the αCTF/βCTF/actin ratio, indicating that the maintenance of non-amyloidogenic AβPP processing is dependent upon M1 mAChRs. pyr, pyramidal cell; s. rad., stratum radiatum; s.l.m., stratum lacunosom moleculare; GC, granule cell