benzo[b]thiophene PfNMT and PvNMT inhibitor 1 and the target profile for the development of this series.
Footnote a: Ki values are quoted in place
of IC50 values as a means of expressing the inhibitor affinity
while correcting for differing Michaelis constants (Km) between enzymes. Enzyme Ki values are calculated from the IC50 values using the
Cheng–Prusoff equation, the definition of which is given in
the Experimental Section.23 IC50 values are the mean value of two or more
determinations, and standard deviation is within 20% of the IC50. Footnote b: No significant difference in inhibition between
HsNMT1 and HsNMT2 isoforms has been observed in this series; therefore,
the HsNMT affinities reported in this work refer to HsNMT1. Footnote
c: LELP = cLogP/LE. LE = [−log(Ki)](1.374)/(no. of heavy atoms), with cLogP determined with ChemAxon,
which can be obtained from http://www.chemaxon.com/products/calculator-plugins/logp/.