Figure 1.
Mean (a) Systolic and (b) Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) by Country-specific Quartiles of Glutamic Acid Intake (% Total Protein)*, Adjusted for Model 5b - Mg Covariates†, For All 4,680 Participants. Whiskers are 99% Confidence Intervals. P for Trend: for (a), <0.001; for (b), P =0.12
* Country-specific quartile cut-offs for glutamic acid intake (% Total Protein) were: for Japan, 16.8 (25th percentile), 17.6 (50th percentile), 18.6 (75th percentile); for PRC, 19.4, 25.1, 27.4); for UK, 19.4, 20.3, 21.5; for USA, 18.6, 19.7, 20.9
† Estimated by analysis of variance, overall (coefficients not pooled by country). Adjusted for Country (not sample), Age, Gender, Special Diet, Supplement Intake, CVD-DM Diagnosis, Physical Activity, Family History of High BP, Urinary Na, Urinary K, 14-Day Alcohol, Cholesterol, Total SFA, Total PFA, Magnesium (see Table 1 footnote for units)