Figure 3.
α-MyHC gene transfer speeds healthy rabbit myocyte shortening and relengthening kinetics independent of the calcium transient dynamics. A) Normalized sarcomere length-shortening traces show that AdMYH6 gene transfer sped sarcomere shortening and relengthening. B) Normalized intracellular calcium transient traces show that the kinetics of calcium release and decay were unaffected by AdMYH6 gene transfer. C) Time to peak of sarcomere shortening was faster in AdMYH6-transduced myocytes (0.66±0.03 s, n=86) than in nontransduced myocytes (0.78±0.03 s, n=74). D) Time to peak of the calcium transient, however, did not differ between the two groups (0.28±0.03 s, n=38; 0.23±0.03 s, n=34). E) Time to 50% relaxation was reduced by AdMYH6 gene transfer compared with that in nontransduced control myocytes. F) Time to 50% decay of the calcium transient was not affected. All values are means ± se. *P < 0.05 vs. control, two-tailed t test. Actual P values are shown in figure.