a. Colony formation assays. Representative dishes of hiPSC-derived mature keratinocytes (hiPSC-keratinocytes), hiPSC-derived CD200+/ITGA6+ cells (hiPSC-EpSCs), passaged normal keratinocytes from adult skin (passage 3), and hiPSC-derived CD200−/ITGA6+ cells (hiPSC-CD200−/ITGA6+), cultured for 3 weeks on 3T3 fibroblast feeder cells. The dishes were stained with H&E. Representative images from three independent experiments. b. qPCR analysis of pluripotent stem cell markers in the hiPSC-derived CD200+/ITGA6+, CD200+/ITGA6− and CD200−/ITGA6+ cells. The pluripotent stem cell markers used are OCT3/4, NANOG and REX1. Data shown are mean ± SD of the expression from three independent experiments. c. qPCR analysis of the keratinocyte specific genes in hiPSC-derived CD200+/ITGA6+ and CD200+/ITGA6− cells. Data shown are mean ± SD of the expression from three independent experiments. d. Morphology of colonies formed by CD200+/ITGA6+ and CD200+/ITGA6− cells. Scale bar in upper panel, 100um; scale bar in lower panel, 20 um.