Poly(Fuc)100, poly(Man)100, and poly(GlcNAc)100 have different
AR activation rates. The concentration shown
in the chart is polymer concentration. The average AR% of glycopolymer-treated
sperm were normalized using [AR%(glycopolymers) – AR%(negative
control)]/[AR%(positive control) – AR%(negative control)].
The average AR% for the positive control, A23187-treated (5 μM)
sperm at 45 min, was 33% and for the negative control, poly(Glc)100-treated (10 μM) sperm at 15 min, was 9%. Data represent
mean ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. * p < 0.05 when compared to the AR% of poly(Glc)100 at each time point.