Fig 5. p38MAPK inhibition is effective in both senescent fibroblast and CAF-driven tumors.
(A) Tumors were removed at the endpoint of the experiment described in (Fig 4F) and stained for Ki67 (dashed line demarks the margin between the mouse and xenograft), p16, and vimentin. H&E images were captured with a 10× objective, all other images were captured with a 20× objective. Representative images, n=2.
(B) Xenograft growth of BPH1-CBR cells co-injected with senescent BJ fibroblasts (SIPS) into female NcR nude mice. Tumors were allowed to grow for 1 week after injection, at which time mice were placed on control or p38i-compounded chow. Tumor growth was analyzed by bioluminescence imaging. Data represent mean + SEM, n=16. * indicates significance between 1 and 3 weeks post-injection in mice fed control chow.
(C) Xenografts of BPH1-CBR cells co-injected with pCAFs into female NcR nude mice. Mice were fed control or p38i chow as outlined for the experiment in Fig 4F. Tumor growth was analyzed by bioluminescence imaging. Data represent mean + SEM, n is indicated for each sample.
* indicates p<0.05. NS: not significant.