Community level factors
Type of the residence (1 = urban; 2 = rural)
Geopolitical zone
Zone (1 = North Central; 2 = North East; 3 = North West; 4 = South East; 5 = South West; 6 = South South)
Household factor
Wealth index
Wealth (1 = Poor; 2 = Middle; 3 = Rich)
Individual level factors
Maternal religion
Maternal religion (1 = traditionalist or other; 2 = Islam; 3 = catholic or other Christian)
Maternal working status
Maternal working status (1 = not working; 2 = working)
Maternal BMI
Maternal BMI (1 = BMI >18.5; 2 = BMI ≤18.5)
Maternal age at first child
Age at first birth (1 = < 20; 2 = 20–29; 3 = 30-39; 4 = 40-49)
Maternal age
Mother’s age (1 < 20; 2 = 20-29; 3 = 30–39; 4 = 40–49)
Maternal literacy level
Literacy level (1 = Able to read parts of & whole sentence; 2 = Cannot read at all)
Paternal education
Education status (1 = No education; 2 = Primary; 3 = Secondary or higher)
Maternal education
Education status (1 = No education; 2 = Primary; 3 = Secondary or higher)
Sex of the neonate (1 = Female; 2 = Male)
Birth order and birth interval
Birth order and birth interval of neonate (1 = Second or third child, interval > 2 years; 2 = First child; 3 = Second or third child, interval ≤ 2 years; 4 = Fourth or higher child, interval > 2 years; 5 = Fourth or higher child, interval ≤2 years)
Birth place
Place of delivery of the neonate (1 = Home; 2 = Health facility)
Mother’s perceived baby size
Maternal assessment of the neonate size at birth (1 = Average or Larger; 2 = Small or very small)
Antenatal care
Antenatal care received by mother’s (1 = Yes; 2 = No)
Mode of delivery
Mode of delivery (1 = non-caesarean; 2 = caesarean section)
Delivery assistance
Birth attendant during delivery (1 = Health professional; 2 = non-Health professional)
Desire for pregnancy
Mother’s desire for baby (1 = Wanted then; 2 = Wanted later; 3 = Wanted no more)
Postnatal care |
Postnatal care of mother’s after birth (1 = Yes; 2 = No) |