Figure 4. Changes in initial angle of deviation (iANG) across time for each group.
Panel A shows the time course for the FAR target, and Panel B for the NEAR target. Panels C and D shows the average iANG for each group on sections of the time course selected for statistical analyses (Early/Late Day 1 and Late Day 2), respectively for FAR and NEAR target. On Day 1, both groups exhibited a reversal of the direction of their iANG: early in the force field their hand was deflected in the direction of the force field (negative angle value). Progressively, the movement was initiated in the opposite direction in anticipation of the perturbation. At the beginning of Day 2 iANG direction was opposite to the deviation produced by the force field and similar to what was seen at the end of Day 1, demonstrating the retention of the feedforward strategy acquired on Day 1. Error bars show the standard error of mean (SEM).