(A) A conceptual schematic of the method used for precision measurements of O2 and CO2 fluxes in low–density yeast cultures; Cin are the concentrations of gases in the air entering the reactor at rate Jin, and the Cout are the concentrations of gases existing the reactor at rate Jout.
(B) The respiratory quotient (RQ) estimated from O2 and CO2 concentrations measured in a low–density yeast culture growing on ethanol as a sole source of carbon and energy equals the RQ estimate from mass-conservation (2/3); the culture was inoculated at a density of 1000 cells/ml and measurements began 70 hours after inoculation, when the cultured had reached a density of about 105 cells/ml. Error bars denote standard deviations. See Figure S1 and the Supplemental Information for more control experiments and details.
See also Figure S1.