Figure 3. The Fraction of Glucose Carbon Flux Incorporated into Biomass and the Sensitivity to Stress Increase While the Growth Rate Remains Constant.
(A) Exponential increase in the number of cells indicates a constant doubling period.
(B) The fraction of carbon flux from glucose (moles of carbon per hour) directed into the major metabolic pathways, as computed from the gas and biomass data, evolves continuously; the sum of the fluxes through these pathways (total) can account, at all time points, for the carbon intake flux from glucose; see Supplemental Information.
(C) The ATP flux was estimated from the fluxes of CO2 and O2 in Figure 2E–F for low efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation, 1 ATP per oxygen atom (16 ATPs/glucose), and for high efficiency, 2.2 ATPs per oxygen atom (30.4 ATPs/glucose).
(D) The ability of the cells to survive heat shock (48°C for 10 min) declines during the exponential growth phase. Stress sensitivity was quantified by counting colony-forming units (CFU) on YPD plates.
(E) The ability of the cells to survive oxidative-shock (5mM H2O2 for 10 min) declines during the exponential growth phase.
In all panels, error bars denote standard deviations. See also Figure S3.