Figure 4.
Effects of macrophage depletion on glycemic control and proinflammatory signaling in islets of ZDF rats, (a) Blood glucose, insulin and C-peptide levels and insulin resistance analyzed by insulin clamps in lean littermate controls (white columns or circles) and In ZDF rats treated with empty liposomes (rah, gray col umns or squares) or clodronate-containing liposomes (clodr, black columns or triangles) Glycemic control was monitored for 20 d. (b) Top, mRNA expression of Cd68 (as a marker of macrophages), Cnr1, Nlrp3, Ins1, Tnf, Ccl2, Txnip and anandamide content of islets isolated from pancreata of lean littermate rats (white columns) and ZDF rats treated with empty liposomes (veh, gray columns) or clodronate (clodr, black columns). Co umns and bars represent means ± s.e.m. from eight rats per group; ** P < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 relative to lean group, Bottom, representative immunohistochemistry stains (top) for CD68, CB1R, Nlrp3 and insulin protein expression in pancreatic sections from lean control rats and ZDF rats treated with empty liposomes or clodronate. Arrows mark antigen-positive cells. Scale bars, 50 mμ.