Table 1.
Left column: mathematical expressions of the probability density functions (pdf's) for RTs for a single boundary diffusion model, two boundary diffusion model, and the reciprocal Normal.
Time-domain | Rate-domain |
Inverse Gaussian | Reciprocal inverse Gaussian |
First passage time distribution for the boundary of the two boundaries a and b for the pure DDM with diffusion constant, s | Reciprocal first passage time distribution boundary a of the two boundaries a DDM |
see Ratcliff and Smith (2004) | |
Reciprocal truncated Normal | Truncated Normal |
Φ = Normal cdf; ξ = drift rate; a = upper boundary; b = lower boundary; z = starting point. Right column: equivalent pdf's in the rate (reciprocal RT) domain. See Harris and Waddington (2012) for the mathematical relationship between the two domains.