A linewidth comparison for two Trp Hε3 resonances of WW st29 at 325K. The left panel, A, illustrates the signal from the edge-Trp of the turn-flanking Trp/Trp pair which is surrounded by exchange-broadened Hα signals. The right panel, B, illustrates a Trp Hε3 which displays no structuring shift and thus no exchange broadening. The scale in both panels is in Hertz about the peak center. The red lines (both panels) show simulated Trp Hε3 7.8 Hz doublets (including broadening associated with two smaller coupling constants, 0.8 and 1.2 Hz) with different amounts of additional line broadening added. The additional line broadening required to fit the exchange broadened peak (difference between left and right panels) provides Δex (18,21) for the calculation of folding dynamics.