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. 2014 Jun 3;13:54. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-13-54

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of participants as a whole and according to categories of total soy consumption level

  Total (n = 327) count (%) Level of soy consumption (frequency of intake)
≤1×/week (n = 62) count (%) >1×/week - ≤1×/day (n = 85) count (%) >1×/day - ≤3×/day (n = 111) count (%) >3×/day (n = 69) count (%)
Age, years
26 (8.0%)
6 (9.7%)
7 (8.2%)
9 (8.1%)
4 (5.8%)
51 (15.6%)
8 (12.9%)
13 (15.3%)
19 (17.1%)
11 (15.9%)
56 (17.1%)
9 (14.5%)
17 (20.0%)
19 (17.1%)
11 (15.9%)
61 (18.7%)
7 (11.3%)
18 (21.2%)
19 (17.1%)
17 (24.6%)
59 (18.0%)
14 (22.6%)
8 (9.4%)
21 (18.9%)
16 (23.2%)
50 (15.3%)
14 (22.6%)
15 (17.6%)
14 (12.6%)
7 (10.1%)
24 (7.3%)
4 (6.5%)
7 (8.2%)
10 (9.0%)
3 (4.3%)
Mean age (SD), years
15.0 (1.5)
15.2 (1.8)
14.9 (1.8)
14.9 (1.8)1
14.9 (1.5)
152 (46.5%)
41 (66.1%)
36 (42.4%)
49 (44.1%)
26 (37.7%)
175 (53.5%)
21 (33.9%)
49 (57.6%)
62 (55.9%)
43 (62.3%)
38 (11.6%)
23 (37.1%)
8 (9.4%)
4 (3.6%)
3 (4.3%)
289 (88.4%)
39 (62.9%)
77 (90.6%)
107 (96.4%)
66 (95.7%)
Mother’s education
  High school level/graduate
63 (19.3%)
24 (38.7%)
13 (15.3%)
13 (11.7%)
13 (18.8%)
  College level/degree
133 (40.7%)
26 (41.9%)
41 (48.2%)
50 (45.0%)
30 (43.5%)
  Masters/Doctoral level/degree
131 (40.1%)
12 (19.4%)
31 (36.5%)
48 (43.2%)
26 (37.7%)
Father’s education
  High school level/graduate
68 (20.8%)
24 (38.7%)
21 (24.7%)
13 (11.7%)
10 (14.5%)
  College level/degree
113 (34.6%)
28 (45.2%)
35 (41.2%)
43 (38.7%)
21 (30.4%)
  Masters/Doctoral level/degree
146 (44.6%)
10 (16.1%)
29 (34.1%)
55 (49.5%)
38 (55.1%)
Mother’s ethnicity
142 (43.4%)
35 (56.5%)
34 (40.0%)
52 (46.8%)
21 (30.4%)
34 (10.4%)
3 (4.8%)
10 (11.8%)
13 (11.7%)
8 (11.6%)
65 (19.9%)
15 (24.2%)
15 (17.6%)
16 (14.4%)
19 (27.5%)
50 (15.3%)
3 (4.8%)
8 (9.4%)
22 (19.8%)
17 (24.6%)
36 (11.0%)
6 (9.7%)
18 (21.2%)
8 (7.2%)
4 (5.8%)
Father’s ethnicity
144 (44.0%)
36 (58.1%)
31 (36.5%)
53 (47.7%)
24 (34.8%)
41 (12.5%)
4 (6.5%)
14 (16.5%)
15 (13.5%)
8 (11.6%)
60 (18.3%)
12 (19.4%)
15 (17.6%)
16 (14.4%)
17 (24.6%)
46 (14.1%)
2 (3.2%)
9 (10.6%)
20 (18.0%)
15 (21.7%)
36 (11.0%)
8 (12.9%)
16 (18.8%)
7 (6.3%)
5 (7.2%)
Meat intake, frequency/week
79 (24.2%)
0 (0.0%)
8 (9.4%)
40 (36.0%)
31 (44.9%)
111 (33.9%)
17 (27.4%)
38 (44.7%)
39 (35.1%)
17 (24.6%)
137 (41.9%)
45 (72.6%)
39 (45.9%)
32 (28.8%)
21 (30.4%)
Median meat intake (IQR), svg/d
5.5 (12.5)
13.3 (12.5)
7.0 (8.0)
2.0 (8.0)
1.5 (10.0)
Median BMI (IQR), kg/m 2
21.9 (4.2)
22.3 (3.7)
22.7 (4.7)
21.3 (4.1)
21.5 (3.8)
Mean BMI z-score (SD)
0.43 (1.02)
0.57 (0.92)
0.62 (1.14)
0.28 (0.98)
0.34 (1.01)
Age at onset of menarche (AOM)
13 (4.0%)
3 (4.8%)
4 (4.7%)
4 (3.6%)
2 (2.9%)
27 (8.3%)
6 (9.7%)
10 (11.8%)
7 (6.3%)
4 (5.8%)
39 (11.9%)
2 (3.2%)
12 (14.1%)
13 (11.7% )
12 (17.4%)
122 (37.3%)
30 (48.4%)
26 (30.6%)
43 (38.7%)
23 (33.3%)
48 (14.7%)
7 (11.3%)
11 (12.9%)
19 (17.1%)
11 (15.9%)
33 (10.1%)
5 (8.1%)
8 (9.4%)
10 (9.0%)
10 (14.5%)
11 (3.4%)
2 (3.2%)
4 (4.7%)
4 (3.6%)
1 (1.4%)
  Not yet
34 (10.4%)
7 (11.3%)
10 (11.8%)
11 (9.9%)
6 (8.7%)
Mean AOM (SD) a 12.5 (1.4) 12.5 (1.4) 12.4 (1.6) 12.6 (1.3) 12.6 (1.3) 0.835

aExcludes those who have no menarche as yet.

bChi-square test.

cOne-way ANOVA.

dKruskal-Wallis test.