Figure 1.
Changes in tumor size and survival in DDP-resistant lung tumor-bearing Balb/C mice following treatment with DDP in various concentrations of ethanol. (A) Changes in tumor size following various treatments. After 4 weeks of treatment, the mean tumor volume in mice treated with 5% ethanol-DDP (0.11±0.06 cm3) was statistically lower compared to that in mice treated with 2, 10, 20 and 50% ethanol-DDP (0.22±0.08, 0.78±0.36, 1.36±0.53 and 1.43±0.71 cm3, respectively; P<0.01). Treatment with 5% ethanol-DDP was the most effective in reducing tumor volumes in DDP-resistant tumor-bearing mice. (B) Survival of A549/DDP tumor-bearing mice following various treatments. Treatment with 5% ethanol-DDP achieved the longest estimated mean survival among all the treatment groups. The estimated mean survival time in 5% ethanol-DDP-treated mice (169.9±6.5 days) was significantly longer compared to that in mice treated with 10, 20 and 50% ethanol-DDP (149.3±8.8, 145.0±4.0 and 131.9±11.0 days, respectively; P<0.05). Although there were no significant differences between 2 and 5% ethanol-DDP-treated mice, the estimated mean survival time in the 5% ethanol-DDP mice tended to be longer compared to that in the 2% ethanol-DDP-treated mice (169.9±6.5 vs. 158.9±10.9 days; P>0.05). E, ethanol; D/DDP, cisplatin; cum, cumulative.