Ager, Atp5f1, Atp5g2, B3gnt2, Bcl2l14, Ccl19, Ccl21, Ccl27, Clcn7, Cyba, Epx, Fgf18, Gfi1, Gipc1, Gp49a/Lilrb4, Gzmk, Hmgb2, Itgb1bp1, Metap2, Mgat3, Mkl2, Nod1, Ntsr2, Oscp1, Ppp2r2d, Prg3, S100a1, S100a9, Smg1, Sytl1, Tff2, Tpm4 |
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Inflammatory Response, Cellular Function and Maintenance, Cellular Movement |
Akt2, Arhgap23, Atf6, Birc6, Camkk1, Chkb, Cox7a2l, Dcps, Ddx24, Dennd4a, Gapdh, Hmgb1, Hpcal1, Kdelr1, Map3k5, Myef2, Pank2, Prex1, Smek2, Smndc1, Stxbp4, Syncrip, Tinf2, Tomm22, Vdac3, Vps28, Ywhaq, Znrf2 |
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Cellular Compromise, Cellular Function and Maintenance, Cell Death and Survival |
Actg2, Anapc1, Blvra, Cdc23, Cml3, Cpd, Cxxc4, Daz2, Dlx5, Dvl1, Ercc4, Gde1, Hbg2, Hmbs, Hsd3b4, Kirrel, Let-7, Mir-204, Runx2, Sbf1, Sfrp4, Smad4, Sprr1a, Tob2, Trim32 |
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Embryonic Development, Organ Development, Organismal Development |