Table 2.
QTLs associated with leaf bronzing scores in Nipponbare/Kasalath population by composite interval mapping
QTL | Trait a | Chr b | Marker interval c | Support interval (cM) d | LOD value | R 2 (%) e | Additive effect f | Tolerance allele g | CSSLs h |
qFETOX-1-3 |
LBS2 |
1 |
C742-C86 |
16.7-26.9 |
4.38 |
18. 6 |
−0.53 |
Nipponbare |
SL54 |
qFETOX-3 |
LBS2 |
3 |
C136-R250 |
23.7-37.7 |
2.63 |
11. 6 |
0.44 |
Kasalath |
SL15 |
LBS5 |
3 |
C136-R250 |
23.7-37.7 |
3.71 |
16.0 |
0.52 |
Kasalath |
SL15 |
qFETOX-8 | LBS5 | 8 | R727-C166 | 44.0-70.7 | 3.96 | 17.0 | −0.51 | Nipponbare | SL38 |
aLBS2: leaf bronzing score after 2 days of treatment, LBS5: leaf bronzing score after 5 days of treatment.
bChromosomes number on which QTLs were detected.
cQTL was located between the markers.
dThe position of marker associated with QTL on linkage map.
eProportion of phenotypic variance explained.
fPositive/negative values indicate Nipponbare/Kasalath can increase trait values.
gTolerance allele provided by parental line.
hChromosome segment substitution lines carrying Kasalath genetic inserts related to specific QTLs.