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. 2014 Jun 11;8:413. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00413

Table 1.

Baseline descriptive statistics.

Patient 1
Patient 2
Unit Max. score Mean SD Mean SD
Mesulam shape Left Omissions 30 26 2.65 8a 1.00
Right Omissions 30 1.33 1.53 0.33 0.58
Total Omissions 60 27.33a 4.04 8.33a 1.53
BIT star Left Omissions 27 17.67a 2.52 3a 2.00
Right Omissions 27 1.67 1.53 2 2.65
Total Omissions 54 19.33a 4.04 5a 3.61
TAP Left Omissions 22 19a N/A 21a N/A
Right Omissions 22 10.67a 4.73 1.33 0.58
Total Omissions 44 29.67a 4.73 22.33a 0.58
TAP (mean reaction time) Left ms 1276a 386.99 N/A N/A
Right ms 869 135.35 903.67 113.32
Total ms 1073a 174.79 946.70a 66.32
Line bisectionb mm 10.22a 6.43 18.56a 9.14

a Within pathological range as reported in previous studies: Mesulam shape (Mesulam, 1985; Machner et al., 2012), BIT Star (Wilson et al., 1987), TAP (Zimmermann and Fimm, 2007), line bisection (Halligan et al., 1990; Mort et al., 2003).

b Average rightward deviation from true center from nine separate 180 mm lines (three each testing session).

N/A, not available; unable to compute as either no variation between baseline scores (left TAP omissions) or unavailable mean reaction times resulting from either zero or only one detected stimuli on the left side.