Figure 2.
Functional Ig genes preferentially colocalize in transcription factories. (A,B) Four-color 3D DNA immuno-FISH images of selected 0.3-μm-thick optical sections (Z-slices) of the same plasma cell nuclei (outlined by white dashed lines) from either wild-type (WT) (A) or homozygous Vκ8-Jκ5 knock-in mice (B). (Blue) IgH (VhDh)i; (green) IgH; (red) IgJ or Igκ; (white) α-Pol II. (C) Cartoon summarizing the quantification of DJ and VDJ rearranged IgH alleles that were localized within <1.0 μm from both Pol II and either IgJ or Igκ alleles. Data are from 300 and 306 plasma cells analyzed from wild-type and homozygous Vκ8-Jκ5 knock-in mice, respectively, in three independent experiments (see also Supplemental Table 5 for primary data and P-values from χ2 statistical tests).