Definition |
What is diabetes? (Or what do you know about diabetes?) |
Diabetes etiology |
a. What causes diabetes? (Probe: Ask about sugar, carbs, fat, exercise, genetics) |
b. Who is at risk for getting diabetes? (Probe: Are Zunis at risk because of food, lifestyle, genes, and family history?) |
Patient response to diabetes diagnosis |
Please tell the story of how you or your family member found out you or they had diabetes. a. How did the doctor explain diabetes to you? What did s/he tell you about the disease? What did you think it would mean to have diabetes? (Probe) |
b. How did you feel when you found out you had diabetes? (Probe) |
Self-management |
What can you do to avoid the symptoms of diabetes and to keep your diabetes from getting worse? (Probe: Query about medications, side effects, compliance in lifestyle and medications) |
Barriers to self-management |
What prevents you from managing your diabetes? |
Family participation in diabetes management |
a. Who helps you the most with your diabetes? |
b. How does this person help you? |
Management programs |
What programs would you like to see in your community to help you manage your diabetes? |
Questions used for probing |
1. How do you and your family eat? |
2. What is healthy food? |
3. What is not healthy? |
4. What role do you think diet has on the development of diabetes? |
5. What do you know as traditional food and is it healthy? |
6. What could we do to motivate our people to eat more of what you said is healthy? |
7. Do you think you’ve learned something? |