Figure 1. SlAcsWT can substitute for SeAcsWT in S. enterica during growth on acetate.
A. S. enterica encodes a one-enzyme and a two-enzyme pathway for acetate activation. The one-enzyme pathway is composed of acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs), whose activity is modulated post-translationally by the protein acetyltransferase (Pat) and sirtuin deacetylase (CobB) enzymes. The two-enzyme pathway is comprised of acetate kinase (Ack) and phosphotransacetylase (Pta). B. Growth behavior of Δacs Δpta S. enterica strain JE13238 as a function of SlAcsWT. Experiments were performed on NCE minimal medium supplemented with acetate (10 mM), at 37°C using a microtiter plate and a plate reader (Bio-Tek Instruments). Synthesis of SlAcsWT was ectopically encoded (plasmid pSlAcs6) and induced using L-(+)-arabinose (5 mM). Cloning vector (pBAD30) lacking S. lividans acs+ was used as negative control. All S.D. <0.01 absorbance units.