Table 1.
Characteristics of women in the match/mismatch groups reported in mean scores (Standard deviations)
Variable |
Total |
Match 1 |
Match 2 |
Mismatch 1 |
Mismatch |
F |
Post hocb |
(Time point of measurement) |
No preference, no ElCSa |
Preference, ElCS |
No preference, ElCS |
2 preference, no ElCS |
(N = 1,493)
(N = 53)
(N = 42)
(N = 112)
Mean |
Mean |
Mean |
Mean |
Mean |
(SD) | (SD) | (SD) | (SD) | (SD) | |||
PTSD symptoms (8 weeks postpartum) |
6.70 (7.99) |
6.32 (7.49) |
7.70 (9.11) |
8.03 (9.49) |
10.83 (11.44) |
11.96*** |
1-4*** |
Psychological Factors |
Prior PTSD (pregnancy week 17) |
0.24 (0.77) |
0.20 (0.66) |
0.53 (1.51) |
0.50 (1.21) |
0.54 (1.17) |
11.38*** |
1-2*, 1-4*** |
Prior Sexual Abusec (8 weeks postpartum) |
0.16 (0.37) |
0.16 (0.36) |
0.19 (0.40) |
0.19 (0.40) |
0.27 (0.44) |
3.35* |
1-4* |
Fear of childbirth (pregnancy week 32) |
56.41 (19.70) |
54.66 (18.16) |
69.07 (30.40) |
61.23 (19.08) |
72.02 (23.78) |
37.82*** |
1-2***, 1-4***, 3-4* |
Depression (pregnancy week 32) |
4.91 (4.17) |
4.72 (3.99) |
6.54 (4.78) |
5.50 (5.42) |
6.44 (5.10) |
9.18*** |
1-2**, 1-4*** |
Anxiety (pregnancy week 32) |
12.78 (3.11) |
12.66 (3.01) |
13.55 (3.54) |
13.14 (3.48) |
13.93 (3.83) |
7.23*** |
1-4*** |
Personality (pregnancy week 17) |
Neuroticism |
10.92 (3.12) |
10.81 (3.08) |
10.92 (3.57) |
11.17 (3.09) |
12.26 (3.18) |
7.68*** |
1-4*** |
Conscientiousness |
16.17 (2.57) |
16.18 (2.55) |
15.82 (2.97) |
16.50 (2.51) |
16.06 (2.54) |
0.63 |
Extraversion |
14.12 (3.14) |
14.13 (3.16) |
14.50 (2.57) |
14.00 (3.66) |
13.93 (3.02) |
0.42 |
Agreeableness |
17.49 (2.00) |
17.50 (1.99) |
17.34 (2.29) |
18.08 (1.64) |
17.16 (2.18) |
2.34 |
Imagination |
13.81 (2.56) |
13.80 (2.57) |
14.26 (2.55) |
13.48 (2.70) |
13.82 (2.46) |
0.80 |
Somatic & Demographic Factors |
Medical risk (perinatally) |
0.18 (0.39) |
0.15 (0.35) |
0.66 (0.48) |
0.90 (0.30) |
0.21 (0.41) |
93.16*** |
1-2***, 1-3***, 2-3**, 2-4***, 3-4*** |
Parity (pregnancy week 17) |
0.53 (0.50) |
0.53 (0.50) |
0.79 (0.41) |
0.57 (0.50) |
0.40 (0.49) |
7.53*** |
1-2**, 2-4*** |
Age (perinatally) |
31.19 (4.59) |
31.12 (4.56) |
32.85 (4.77) |
32.68 (4.16) |
30.72 (4.93) |
4.31** |
1-2*, 2-4* |
Education (perinatally) | 0.68 (0.47) | 0.69 (0.46) | 0.64 (0.48) | 0.57 (0.50) | 0.56 (0.50) | 3.66* | 1-4* |
aElective Cesarean Section.
bBonferroni post-hoc tests are used ; 1–2 = significant differences between Match 1 and Match 2, 1–3 = significant differences between Match 1 and Mismatch 1, 1–4 = significant differences between Match 1 and Mismatch 2, 2–3 = significant differences between Match 2 and Mismatch 1, 2–4 = significant differences between Match 2 and Mismatch 2, 3–4 = significant differences between Mismatch 1 and Mismatch 2.
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
cPrior sexual abuse, medical risk, parity and education are dichotomous variables, means are therefore indicating proportions.