Cytokine mRNA responses to EdTx components and derivatives. Relative
cytokine mRNA expression in cervical lymph node cells after 6 h
(A) or 24 h (B) of culture in the presence
of EdTx components and derivatives. Relative mRNA levels were analyzed by
real-time RT-PCR. All the results were normalized against β-actin
expression to correct for differences in cDNA concentration of the starting
template and are expressed as 20 –
(meanCtcytokine –
meanCtβ-actin). One-way ANOVA, followed
by Duncan’s multiple range test, was used to compare
20-ΔCt values of treated groups (i.e., PA, PA + EF,
and mutants of PA + EF) with control untreated. Differences were considered
significant at a probability of *p ≤ 0.05.