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. 2014 Apr 13;4:649–658. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2014.04.005

Table 1.

Summary of MRI techniques, models and derived parameters used in the present study.

Imaging technique Model Measure Abbreviation Measure relates to Scale
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) DTI Fractional anisotropy FA Presence of preferred direction of diffusion (i.e. tissue anisotropy) 0–1 (0 = most isotropic, 1 = most anisotropic)
Mean diffusivity MD Amount of isotropic diffusion (i.e. not bounded by membranes, e.g. in CSF) Continuous increasing value = increasing amount of diffusion
Axial diffusivity AD Amount of isotropic diffusion along direction of maximal diffusion Continuous increasing value = increasing amount of diffusion
Radial diffusivity RD Amount of isotropic diffusion perpendicular to direction of maximal diffusion Continuous increasing value = increasing amount of diffusion
DKI Mean kurtosis MK Presence of compartments that do not have a Gaussian diffusion profile (i.e. bounded by membranes) Continuous increasing value = more compartmentalization
NODDI Neurite density index NDI Density of axons and dendrites based on intracellular diffusion 0–1 (0 = most extracellular diffusion, 1 = most intracellular diffusion)
Orientation dispersion index ODI Dispersion of axons and dendrites in the intracellular compartment 0–1 (0 = well-aligned neurites, 1 = highly dispersed neurites)
Fraction of isotropic compartment FISO Cerebrospinal fluid (isotropic Gaussian diffusion) 0–1 (0 = no CSF-like fluid, 1 = most CSF-like fluid)
Multi-exponential T2 relaxation (MET2) MET2 Myelin water fraction MWF Myelin content 0–1 (0 = least myelin, 1 = most myelin)
Intra- and extracellular water fraction IEWF Water molecules in and between axons (or having similar properties) 0–1 (0 = no intra- or extracellular water, 1 = mostly intra- and extracellular water)
Geometric mean T2 time IEW-gmT2 Intra- and extra-axonal mobility of water molecules (e.g. long T2 time = high mobility) Continuous increasing value = more loosely bound water molecules