Table 1. Full presentation of the critical strain for buckling and the geometry of every specimen examined here and previously (ref. 3). Strain correction has only been implemented for data the slope of which lies outside the boundaries of the standard deviation value of ±5 cm−1/% from the mean absolute value (60 cm−1/%).
aNominal applied strain at failure (%) | l (μm) | w (μm) | Configuration | 2D shift rate|cm−1/%| | Critical (graphene) strain (%) | Kw (GPa/nm) | Half-wave number, m | Half-wave length, λ(nm) |
−0.67 | 5 | 70 | 4pb | 46.8 | −0.52c | 4.88 | 3742 | 1.33 |
−1.25b | 6 | 56 | Cantilever | 39.4 | −0.82c | 12.14 | 5639 | 1.06 |
−0.62 | 6 | 30 | 4pb | 60.1 | −0.62 | 6.94 | 4742 | 1.26 |
−0.68 | 4 | 21 | 4pb | 38.0 | −0.45c | 3.34 | 2722 | 1.46 |
−0.64b | 11 | 50 | Cantilever | 55.1 | −0.64 | 5.46 | 8467 | 1.29 |
−0.61 | 28 | 23 | Cantilever | 69.6 | −0.61 | 6.72 | 22701 | 1.22 |
−0.53b | 56 | 25 | Cantilever | 59.1 | −0.53 | 5.07 | 42314 | 1.31 |
−0.71 | 30 | 6 | 4pb | 56.4 | −0.71 | 9.36 | 26423 | 1.12 |
−0.58 | 22 | 14 | 4pb | 60.3 | −0.58 | 6.07 | 17388 | 1.26 |
a. Applied strain calculated from beam Equation. b. Data from reference 14.c. Corrected data for short transfer length (equation 1).