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. 2014 Jun;80(12):3585–3596. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00415-14

FIG 6.


Downy mildew severity of leaf discs treated with microbial communities of grapevine leaves. Surface-sterilized leaf discs were treated with each leaf-washing suspension (10× concentrated) mixed with a P. viticola inoculum suspension (104 sporangia/ml), and the pure P. viticola suspension was used as a control (Control). After incubation under controlled greenhouse conditions, disease severity was assessed as the percentage of leaf area covered by sporulation. Leaf-washing suspensions were obtained from grapevine leaves of untreated plants (UNT) or of plants treated with penconazole (PEN) or Lysobacter capsici AZ78 (AZ78) in Udine (UD), San Michele all'Adige (SM1), and San Michele all'Adige protected from rain (SM2). The mean scores and standard errors of six replicates are presented for each sample. Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey's test (α = 0.05).