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. 2014 Jun;88(12):6556–6575. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00146-14


Structural statistics for the monomeric structure of JCV agnoprotein peptide

Parametera Value for JCV agnoprotein peptide monomer
No. of restraints for calculation 452
    Unambiguous 369
    Ambiguous 83
Total no. of NOE restraints 452
    Intraresidue 293
    Sequential (|ij| = 1)a 100
    Medium range (|ij| ≤ 4) 59
RMSD structure statistics
    Bonds (Å) 2.7 × 10−3-2.93 × 10−3
    Bond angles (°) 0.44–0.50
    Improper torsions (°) 0.88–1.23
    NOE restraints (Å) 1.34 × 10−2-1.63 × 10−2
Final energies (kcal/mol)
    Total −1,146 to −998.6
    Bonds 4.42–5.21
    Angles 32.43–41.91
    Improper angles 9.78–17.38
    Dihedrals 164.5–167.86
    van der Waals −98.55 to −55.67
    Electrostatic −1,270.34 to −1,173.67
    NOE 4.08–5.98
Ramachandran plot of residues (%) in:
    Most favored regions 80.3
    Additional allowed regions 18.0
    Generously allowed regions 1.7
    Disallowed regions 0
Atomic RMSD (Å) on backbone atoms (K23 to F29)
    Pairwise 0.66 ± 0.22
    To mean structure 1.04 ± 0.15

j represents an amino acid different from amino acid i. Residues represented by i and j may be consecutive in the sequence or separated by 1, 2, or 3 residues.