Subcellular localization of reverse transcription products. GHOST-R5X4 cells were transfected with D4 or M4 for 48 h, followed by infection with a DNase-treated HIV-1 vector (HR-E). Zero to 24 h later, the cells were either fractionated with a hypotonic buffer or lysed to prepare whole-cell fractions. DNA was isolated to evaluate the synthesis of HIV-1 cDNA using the primers for strong-stop DNA (A and B), env DNA (C and D), and full-length DNA (E and F) shown in Fig. 2A. (A, C, and E) Infection of M4-transfected cells; (B, D, and F) infection of D4-transfected cells. The viral DNA copy numbers were normalized to the numbers of copies of either the β-globin DNA (for the total and nuclear fractions) or mitochondrial DNA (for the cytoplasmic fraction) standards. Error bars denote the standard deviations from the means. The data represent those from three independent time course experiments processed in triplicate.