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. 2013 Mar 25;2:477–490. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.03.010

Table A.1.

Neuroimaging results of the phonological network for the total sample, controls, phonological dyslexics, non-phonological dyslexics separately.

Cluster size (voxels) Local maximum in macroanatomical structure x y z Tmax Percent of cluster volume in cytoarchitectonic area
PtaskCtask total sample
3018 Left precentral gyrus (cluster extends into left inferior frontal gyrus) − 58 4 22 6.26 47.3 Area 44
2.8 Area 6
8.8 Area 45
2.9 Area 4a
3.0 Area 4p
2.1 Area 3a
1.6 Area 3b
2630 Left SMA − 4 16 46 11.45 13.2 Area 6
5.5 Area 6
816 Left lingual gyrus − 14 − 70 2 5.73 13.7 Area 17
9.1 Area 18
2.7 Area 18
1.2 Area 17
3.6 hOC3v (V3v)
1.1 hOC4v (V4)
690 Right inferior frontal gyrus 36 24 − 8 6.21
293 Right cerebellum 34 − 66 − 28 5.21 Lobule VIIa Crus I (Hem)
Lobule VI (Hem)
291 Left thalamus − 10 − 6 4 4.80 33.6 Th-Prefrontal
1.6 Th-Premotor
2.4 Th-Temporal
1.4 Th-Motor
80 Left superior parietal lobule − 28 − 60 46 4.58 18.1 hIP3

Con PtaskCtask
693 Left SMA − 2 16 48 5.7 3.2 Area 6
180 Left inferior frontal gyrus − 48 6 18 4.40 9.1 Area 44
165 Left insula − 36 22 − 2 4.30
73 Left precentral gyrus − 42 − 4 42 4.25
11 Left superior frontal gyrus − 24 − 4 58 3.45

PhoDys PtaskCtask
2343 Left SMA − 4 16 46 9.80 10.0 Area 6
1981 Left precentral gyrus (cluster extends into left inferior frontal gyrus) − 58 4 22 6.84 41.3 Area 44
1.0 Area 6
3.9 Area 3b
2.6 Area 3a
1.6 Area 4p
753 Right cerebellum 42 − 62 − 32 5.76 22.1 Lobule VI (Hem)
8.2 Lobule VIIa Crus I (Hem)
560 Right inferior frontal gyrus 34 26 − 6 6.34
191 Left calcarine sulcus 4 − 88 8 4.40 3.4 Area 17
3.2 Area 18
2.2 Area 17
189 Left lingual gyrus − 14 − 72 0 5.09 3.7 Area 17
4.4 Area 18
2.8 hOC3v (V3v)
1.0 hOC4v (V4)
174 Left thalamus − 14 − 16 6 4.66 22.0 Th-Prefrontal
25.3 Th-Premotor
89 Left postcentral gyrus − 52 − 8 44 4.63 1.0 Area 6
2.0 Area 4a

NonPhoDys PtaskCtask
767 Left SMA − 6 10 58 5.76 6.9 Area 6
351 Left insula − 34 14 12 5.63
195 Right cerebellum 38 − 68 − 28 4.32 3.3 Lobule VIIa Crus I (Hem)
4.6 Lobule VI (Hem)
144 Left lingual gyrus − 14 − 72 0 4.21 2.4 Area 17
2.4 Area 18
2.0 hOC4v (V4)
2.1 hOC3v (V3v)
87 Left cuneus − 8 − 84 14 3.86 2.4 Area 17
1.7 Area 18
73 Left temporal pole − 44 8 − 18 4.51 Area 10
25 Left postcentral gyrus − 52 − 6 44 3.97
24 Right middle cingulate cortex 10 26 36 3.76

Notes: Extent k ≥ 10 voxel (all local maxima significant at p < .001uncorrected). The table shows cluster-wise the number of voxels in the cluster, the macro-anatomical structure and the MNI coordinates of the local maximum, the maximum T value at the local maximum and the cytoarchitectonically defined location of the local maximum assessed with the SPM Anatomy Toolbox (Eickhoff et al., 2005).