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. 2013 Jun 17;19(2):120–134. doi: 10.1016/j.rpor.2013.05.002

Table 1.

Characteristics of 17 patients treated with current RTSEI technique.

Age/sex Diagnosis/stage Prior/local RT Dose/fx Side effects Response
77/F NHL blastic NK-cell type No 30 Gy/15 fx Hematologic toxicity GPR
43/M CTCL CD8+ Yes 36 Gy/18 fx Gr 3 dermatitis, blistering of hands and feet GPR
72/M Follicular lymphoma No 30.6 Gy/17 fx None CR
75/M MF stage IIB T3 N1 Yes 24 Gy/12 fx Gr 3 dermatitis, swelling and blistering of hands and feet. Discontinued RTSEI early b/c of toxicity CR
74/M CTCL, non MF No 32 Gy/16 fx Gr 3 dermatitis CR
64/M MF stage IIB T3 N0 No 16 Gy/8 fx None. Discontinued RTSEI early b/c of deteriorating general condition NR
68/M CLL No 4 Gy/2 fx None PD
73/M MF stage IVA T4 N3 No 36 Gy/20 fx Pain and swelling of feet NR
67/F MF stage IIA T2 N1 No 36 Gy/18 fx Gr 2 dermatitis GPR
70/F MF stage IA T1 N0 No 36 Gy/18 fx Gr 2 dermatitis, swelling of hands and feet Unknown, no follow up
81/M AML, lymphoma cutis No 12 Gy/5 fx None Unknown, no follow up
43/F HTLV-1 T-cell lymphoma No 5 Gy/2 fx None NR
69/F CTCL Yes 29 Gy/15 fx Gr 2 dermatitis GPR
69/F MALT lymphoma Yes 12 Gy/3 fx None
66/M MF stage IIB T3 N0 Yes 36 Gy/18 fx Gr 3 dermatitis, swelling of hands and feet CR
25/F MF stage IIB T3 Nx Yes 30.6 Gy/17 fx Gr 2 dermatitis CR
64/M MF stage IIB T3 N0 Yes 36 Gy/20 fx Gr 3 dermatitis, swelling of hands and feet CR

GPR: good partial response, CR: complete response, NR no response, PD: progressive disease.