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. 2014 May 20;2014:635371. doi: 10.1155/2014/635371

Table 1.

Medicinal plants and their preparation methods and administration.

Scientific names Local names Families Habit Part used Medicinal uses Herbal formulation Administration Dosage
Acacia modesta Wall. Palosa Mimosaceae Tree Gum, leaves Backache Gum and powder of fresh leaves of Acacia modesta are mixed with wheat flour and desi ghee and make Halwa that is used for backache. Oral As needed

Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile Kikar Mimosaceae Tree Whole plant Narcotic Extraction of fresh root and leaves are taken as alcohol (Sharab). Oral As needed
Aphrodisiac Four grams of gum is taken as paste with water. Oral Once a day
Earache About 30 flowers are heated in 10 mL mustard oil and filtered. Through ear Two to four drops for 5 days

Allium cepa L. Pyaaz Alliaceae Herb Leaves Antipyretic Equal amount of extract of onion bulb and mint are mixed and used against cholera. Oral One teaspoon of this mixture is taken per hour for a period as needed.
Skin infection Poultice of onion bulb is used against abscesses. Topical Two times a day for one week

Allium sativum Linn. Ugga Alliaceae Herb Leaves, roots Blood disorders Small pieces of Allium sativum are chewed to reduce blood pressure. Oral Twice a day
Gastrointestinal The powder of leaves and roots are also used against stomach problems. Oral As needed

Aloe barbadensis Mill. Zarpati Aloeaceae Herb Leaves Veterinary (gastrointestinal) Two leaves are made spineless and each one is divided lengthwise into 2 or 3 slices. These slices of leaves along with common salt are given to the animals for stomach disorders. Oral Three doses after every 48 hours period

Amaranthus viridis L. Sarkoomal. Amaranthaceae Herb Leaves Gastrointestinal Leaves are crushed with sugar and taken along with black tea for curing constipation. Oral Four times a day
Skin infection Poultice of leaf is prepared along with mustard oil for the treatment of abscesses. Topical As needed

Anagallis arvensis L. Dhabbar Primulaceae Herb Whole plant Rheumatism The whole plant is crushed into powder after drying. Two gm of the powder with 5 gm of wheat flour is mixed for the treatment of rheumatism. Oral Once a day for a week

Cannabis sativa L. Bhaang Cannabaceae Herb Leaves, flowering tops, and seed Narcotic The fruit and leaves are used as narcotic, commonly called “Charas. Oral As needed
Veterinary The decoction of seeds is given to cattle for increasing milk. Oral As needed

Caralluma tuberculata R.Br Pawany Asclepiadaceae Shrub Whole plant Antidiabetic and anticancer Whole plant is dried, powdered, and taken with water. Fresh plant is directly eaten by diabetic patient and is very effective in cancer treatment as well. Oral Once a day

Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Chum bud Cuscutaceae. Herb Stem and seeds Wound A paste of the plant powder in butter is prepared and is externally applied for wounds. Topical As needed
Skin infection The whole plant is crushed and then boiled in 8 liters of water for an hour. It is filtered and the patient is advised to take a bath with this decoction without using soap for scabies. Topical As needed

Carthamus oxycantha Co.Cr. Spena zagai Asteraceae Herb Seed oil Jaundice Seeds are collected, dried under shade, and ground to obtain powder and taken to treat jaundice. Oral 1 teaspoon of powder is taken twice a day for 3-4 weeks
Skin infection Few drops of honey are added in seed powder to make paste. This paste is applied on the face. It is effective to remove white spots of skin. Topical As needed

Citrus sinensis Malta Rutaceae Shrub Fruit, leaves Gastrointestinal Fruit is eaten for reducing constipation. Oral 2 fruits per day

Cynodon dactylonvar. coursii (A. Camus)
J.R. Harlan and de Wet
Wakha Poaceae Herb Whole plant Wounds The paste made of fresh leaves is applied on cuts and bleeding wounds. Topical As needed
Piles Same as above Topical As needed
Gastrointestinal Juice of the plant is given in diarrhea. Oral Twice a day
Antipyretic Same as above Oral Twice a day

Dalbergia sissoo DC. Shawa Papilionaceae Tree Whole plant Piles 70 gm of young leaves of buds are crushed. One glass of water is added to it and strained. The strained decoction is taken daily. Oral Taken daily for 10 days
Jaundice Same as above Oral Taken daily for 10 days

Datura stramonium L. Tora torii. Solanaceae Herb Whole plant Earache The juice of flower is useful for earache. Oral As needed
Narcotic Seeds and leaves are smoked for their narcotic action. Oral As needed

Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees. Somni Acanthaceae Herb Whole plant Skin infection Poultice is used for scabies. Topical Once a day

Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Tandola Amaranthaceae Herb Whole plant Gastrointestinal Juice is extracted from the whole plants and used as laxative. Oral As needed

Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacquin Zetawoni Sapindaceae Shrub Leaves Rheumatism The leaves are warmed and kept on joints to relieve pains. Topical Once a day

Eriobotrya japanica (Thunb.) Lindl. Lokat Rosaceae Tree Fruit Chest problems Fruit is taken directly to treat cough. Oral As needed

Eucalyptus lanceolatus Dehnh. Lachi Myrtaceae Tree Whole plant Gastrointestinal Leaves and bark are boiled in water. Filtrate and decoction are used for abdominal pains. Fruit is added to green tea and taken as antiemetic. Oral Twice a day

Euphorbia helioscopia L. Katta saarai Euphorbiaceae Herb Leaves Gastrointestinal Mature leaves (5 g) are mixed with 3 spoonfuls of sugar to prepare recipe to treat constipation Oral Twice a day

Euphorbia hirta L. Chapa tray. Euphorbiaceae Herb Whole plant Diabetes Leaves juice is taken for diabetes Oral As needed

Fagonia indica Burm.f. Mazgha Kai. Zygophyllaceae. Herb Aerial parts Blood purifier Extract of aerial parts is used Oral Thrice a day
Skin infection Same as above Topical Thrice a day
Diabetes Same as above Oral Thrice a day
Antipyretic Half kg of the whole plant is boiled in 2 liters of water; patients with hepatitis are advised to take bath with this decoction. Topical Thrice a day

Ficus carica L. Inzeer Moraceae Tree Fruit Piles Two to four fruits are soaked in water or milk at night and used in the morning on empty stomach. Oral Daily for 10 days

Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem. Rubber Plant Moraceae Tree Leaves, Bark Antipyretic Leaves and bark are crushed and taken along honey in small quantity to reduce fever. Oral Once a day

Ficus religiosa L. Peppal Moraceae Tree Whole plant Vomiting Decoction of bark is used. Oral As needed

Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Soonphf Umbelliferae Herb Seeds and roots Gastrointestinal Take sonf with white zeera, grind it, and use after meal; it is good to remove ulcer and stomach pain Oral As needed

Fumaria indica (Hausskn.) Pugsley Khatee soii. Fumariaceae Herb Aerial parts Blood purification Two kg of aerial parts is dried under shade and crushed to obtain powder; 2-3 gm powder with one glass of water is taken. Oral Twice a day for one week
Jaundice Same as above Oral Twice a day for one week
Gastrointestinal Juice of fresh parts is used as laxative. Oral Once a day for four days
Antipyretic Juice of fresh parts is used to reduce fever. Oral Once a day for two days

Jasminum humile f.kensuense Zeet chumbeli Oleaceae Shrub Flower, root, and latex. Skin infection Flowers and roots are boiled to make paste and rub on skin for treating pimples. Topical Twice a day for one week

Jasminum officinale L. Chumbeli Oleaceae Shrub Whole plant. Gastrointestinal Decoction of leaves and roots are prepared and used as anthelmintic. Oral Once a day
Kidney problems Crushed leaves are mixed with flour and taken along water to treat kidney stones. Oral Twice a day for one month

Justicia adhatoda L Shna Baza Acanthaceae Shrub Leaves Diabetes Half kg of fresh leaves of this plant is extracted with 500 mL water and used against diabetes. Oral 10 mL of extract is used twice a day
Blood purification Same as above Oral 10 mL of extract is used twice a day
Chest infection Leaves and flowers are plucked, dried under shade, ground to obtain powder; 50 gm of this powder is mixed in 15 mL of honey. Oral Half teaspoon twice a day for 15 days
Skin infection Half kg leaves are boiled in 4 liters of water and decoction is used. Oral Twice a day

Lathyrus aphaca L. Jee Wareen Papilionaceae Herb Seed and flower Skin infection Decoction is used for skin problems. Topical As needed

Malva neglecta Wallr. Panderak Malvaceae Herb Whole plant Kidney problems Roots are taken and boiled in 2 glasses of water and after boiling when 1 glass of water remains, it is taken for kidney stones. Oral Once a day for 40 days

Melia azedarach L. Tora Draka Meliaceae Tree Whole plant Diabetes Powder of seeds is used. Oral As needed
Gastrointestinal Fruit is ground and its juice is mixed with oil and taken as anthelmintic. Oral As needed

Mentha arvensis L. Podeena. Lamiaceae. Herb Leaves Gastrointestinal 70 gm dried leaves of wild mint and 30–40 gm of bishops' weed are ground together and 10–12 gm of common salt is also added. It is used for gas problems and stomach pain. Oral Thrice a day after meal
Vomiting Tea of dried leaves is taken to stop vomiting. Oral As needed

Mentha longifolia L. Venalai Lamiaceae Herb Leaves Gastrointestinal Decoction of leaves is used as carminative. Oral As needed

Monotheca buxifolia (Falc.) A. DC. Gorgola Sapotaceae Shrub Fruit, stem Skin infection Poultice is used against skin infection. Topical As needed

Morus alba L. Toot Moraceae Tree Fruit, leaves Gastrointestinal Crushed leaves are taken along honey to treat diarrhea. Oral Twice a day

Morus nigra L. Tor Toot Moraceae Tree Fruit, leaves Kidney problems Fruit is directly eaten as diuretic. Oral Twice a day

Nannorrhops ritchiana. (Griff.) Aitch. Mazzari Arecaceae/Palmae Shrub Leaves Gastrointestinal Crushed leaves are used as carminative. Oral As needed
Veterinary Fresh leaves are given to animals as purgative. Oral As needed

Nerium oleander L. Gand derai Apocynaceae Shrub Leaves Dental pain
The fresh leaves are washed and crushed, and then 3 cups of water are added. The filtrate is given to the patients suffering from dental pain. Oral Twice a day for 5 days
Poultice of leaves is applied externally to reduce swelling. Topical Twice a day

Olea ferruginea (Sol.) Steud. Kawwaan Oleaceae. Tree Fruit, leaves,
seeds, and bark
Dental Decoction is used for toothache. Oral The decoction of fresh leaves is kept in the mouth at night till recovery.
Rheumatism The oil extracted from the fruits is used as massage in the treatment of rheumatism. Topical As needed
Skeletomuscular Same as above Topical As needed

Otostegia limbata Benth. Spin azghai Lamiaceae Shrub Whole plant Throat infection 50 gm fresh leaves are ground and 3-4 teaspoons of water are added to it. This mixture is filtered through a cloth and is given to the patient suffering from mouth gums and throat pains. Oral As needed
Wound Crushed leaves are applied for curing of wounds. Topical Once a day

Oxalis corniculata L. Tokee pi. Oxalidaceae Herb Leaves, root Gastrointestinal Juice of leaves and roots are used against stomach problem. Oral As needed

Peganum harmala L. Spin nali Zygophyllaceae Herb Seeds Spiritual The smoke from burning seeds and leaves is believed to be devil repellent and also used as protection against evil eyes.

Periploca aphylla Decne. Barada Periplocaceae Shrub Stem, bark, and latex. Gastrointestinal Branches and flower are dried under shade, ground to obtain powder, and taken along water for constipation and stomach ulcer. Oral 2–4 gm of is powder twice a day

Phoenix dactylifera L. Khajoor Arecaceae Tree Fruit, leaves Gastrointestinal Take four dried khobani and three khajoor and keep it in milk and boil it. After cooling take it on an empty stomach with 1 teaspoon of isapagul; it is good for controlling constipation. Oral As needed
Sex power Same as above Oral As needed

Pinus roxburghii Sarg. Nakthar Pinaceae Tree All aerial Dental Juice is extracted from fresh leaves and bark by grinding. This is mixed with water and taken for toothache. Oral Twice a day before meal and at bed time
Gastrointestinal Similarly, the bark and leaves of Pinus are dried and crushed, and then the powder is dissolved in cold water and taken for diarrhea. Oral Twice a day before meal and at bed time
Skin infection Leaves of the plant are boiled and the extract is obtained and taken before meal as remedy for scabies. Oral As needed

Pistacia chinensis Bunge. Shenai Tree Whole plant Gastrointestinal Powdered galls fried with ghee are given internally in dysentery. Oral Once a day
Skin infections The stem gum is added to the mustard oil, warmed, and mixed. The prepared poultice is then applied to the ruptured heels at night. Topical At night for once

Plantago lanceolata L. Gwayo zhabe Plantaginaceae Herb Whole plant Dental Leaves are crushed and kept in mouth to relieve toothache. Oral As needed
Gastrointestinal Seeds and fruits are drunk as purgative and laxative. Oral As needed
Skin infections Fresh leaves are crushed for athlete's foot. Topical As needed

Plantanus orientalis L. Chenar Platanaceae Tree Whole plant Gastrointestinal The peel of the fruit is dried, soaked, and ground. The powder so formed, called “Narsaway,” is mixed in small quantity in a cup of curd and is used for dysentery. Oral Twice in a day till recovery for the treatment

Punica granatum L. Anar Punicaceae Shrub Fruit, bark Gastrointestinal The fruit pericarp is dried, powdered, mixed with sugar, and used for diarrhea and dysentery. Oral As needed
Chest infections The fruit pericarp is mixed with tea and is given for whooping cough. Oral As needed
Blood purifier Fruit is directly eaten. Oral As needed

Rumex dentatus L. Reen zakai Polygonaceae Herb Leaves Sex enhancer Decoction of leaves is used. Oral Once at night
Skeletomuscular Same as above Oral As needed

Ricinus communis L. Raanda Euphorbiaceae Shrub Seeds, leaf, bark,
and root.
Gastrointestinal The small quantity of oil is rubbed on the abdomen, which is slowly and gradually absorbed through sweat glands to release constipation. Topical Twice a day for one day

Sageretia thea (Osbeck) M.C. Johnst. Mamoti Rhamnaceae Shrub Fruit, roots Jaundice The extraction of roots is used as cooling agent in jaundice. Oral Once a day

Saccharum spontaneum L. Shaat Poaceae Herb Whole plant Chest infection Juice of whole plants is mixed with milk for the treatment of cough. Oral Twice a day for two days

Solanum incanum L. Tarkha Mowtngee Solanaceae Shrub Leaves and roots Kidney problems Decoction of leaves and roots are used to break kidney stones. Oral As needed

Solanum villosum Miller. Koot soab Solanaceae Herb Whole plant Kidney problems Decoction of leaves and roots are used to break kidney stones. Oral As needed

Sonchus arvensis L. Kroo Konai Asteraceae Herb Whole plant Wounds The whole plant is crushed to form a paste. The paste is applied as a poultice on wounds and boils. Topical As needed

Silybummarianum (L.) Azghai Asteraceae Herb Leaves, seeds, and flowers head Antipyretic
Liver problems
Seeds are collected, dried under shade, and roasted in vegetable oil. Roasted seeds are ground to obtain powder. This is used to treat hepatitis. Oral Half teaspoon of this powder is taken thrice a day for a month
Same as above Oral Same as above
Same as above Oral Same as above

Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. Asteraceae Herb Leaves, root Jaundice 20–30 gm dried aerial parts are boiled in 1 liter of water for 15–20 min to which 15–20 gm sugar is added. This decoction is filtered and used against jaundice. Oral Half cup is given twice a day
Diabetes Half kg dried aerial parts are boiled in 2 liters water and decoction is filtered and used for diabetes. Oral One cup of this decoction is taken twice a day

Terminalia arjuna L. Combretaceae Tree Bark, fruits, and leaves Cardiovascular Fruits and leaves are ground to make powder and mix with essential additives. Oral Once a day

Vitex negundo L. Marmandi Verbenaceae Shrub Leaves, root, stem, and seeds Gastrointestinal 60 gm dried seeds of this plant, 30 gm Bishop's weed, and 2-3 teaspoon of common salt are ground together to powder. Oral As needed
Antipyretic Same as above Oral As needed
Jaundice The decoction of leaves is used for jaundice. Oral As needed
Kidney problem The seeds are ground to obtain powder and are taken with water for kidney stone. Oral Half spoon once a day

Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal Kapyanga Solanaceae Herb Leaves, roots, and seeds Kidney problems The decoction of leaves is taken to break kidney stones. Oral As needed

Ziziphus mauritiana var. abyssinica (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Fiori Bera Rhamnaceae Tree Fruit, root, and leaves Gastrointestinal The decoction of fruit and bark is taken with a cup of milk to treat constipation and dysentery. Oral As needed

Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight and Arn. Karkata Rhamnaceae Shrub Fruit, leaves Gastrointestinal Powder of fruits and leaves are used to treat constipation. Oral Thrice a day for 2 days