Figure 5. Elevated serotonin or loss of aak-2 cause increased dense-core vesicle secretion from ASI neurons.
A-B. Quantitation of tagged DAF-28::mCherry (A) and DAF-7::mCherry (B) accumulation in coelomocytes. daf-28::mCherry and daf-7::mCherry were expressed in the ASI neurons using a daf-7 promoter. Error bars represent standard error. * p<0.05 relative to WT, Student's t-test C. Quantitation of tagged DAF-28::mCherry accumulation in coelomocytes when ser-5 is reconstituted in ASI (pdaf-7) in otherwise ser-5 deficient animals. * p<0.05 relative to WT, Student's t-test. D. Secretion of DAF-28::mCherry from the ASI neurons is elevated upon ASI specific expression of gsa-1(R182C), encoding a gain-of-function version of Gαs, previously shown to cause inactivation of AAK-2. Error bars represent standard error. * p<0.05, Student's t-test, relative to WT E. Elevated secretion of DAF-28::mCherry form ASI in aak-2 mutants is not dependent on ser-5. Error bars represent standard error. * p<0.05 relative to WT, Student's t-test. In A-E, punc-122::GFP was used to mark coelomocytes. Each bar represents examination of 20–30 transgenic animals. For each comparison, the transgene of interest was introduced into indicated backgrounds by crossing.