Fig. 1. mi34 Mutant Zebrafish Exhibit Defective Swimming but CNS Output is Normal.
(a) Touch evoked swimming in wt but not stac3mi34 embryos (48 hpf). Panels show superimposed frames (30 Hz) of swimming motion from wt sibling and stac3mi34 embryos with heads embedded in agar. (b) Voltage recordings with 6 mM curare showing that touch evoked synaptic responses of slow twitch (wt sib: n=5; mut: n=6) and fast twitch muscles (wt sib: n=6; mut: n=4) of wt sibling and stac3mi34 mutants (48 hpf) are comparable. Arrowhead denotes tactile stimulation. (c) Voltage recordings with no curare showing that mutant fast twitch muscles (48 hpf) respond to tactile stimulation with a burst of action potentials (n=8).