Table 1.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of 100 severe sepsis patients with ARDS (cases) and 100 severe sepsis patients without ARDS (controls)
Characteristic | ARDS casesnumber = 100 | Controlsnumber = 100 | P Value |
Age |
56 (51, 65) |
59 (51, 65) |
0.97 |
Male |
52 (52%) |
52 (52%) |
1.0 |
Caucasian |
89 (89%) |
79 (79%) |
0.10 |
Current smoker |
35 (35%) |
40 (40%) |
0.56 |
28 (24, 32) |
28 (24, 32) |
1.0 |
Source of ICU admit |
Emergency room |
27 (27%) |
37 (37%) |
0.027 |
Hospital floor |
40 (40%) |
21 (21%) |
Other hospital |
23 (23%) |
22 (22%) |
Operating room |
9 (9%) |
17 (17%) |
Other |
1 (1%) |
3 (3%) |
Day of ALI onset |
ICU day 1 |
91 (91%) |
NA |
ICU day 2 |
9 (9%) |
Mechanical ventilationa |
83 (83%) |
58 (58%) |
<0.001 |
Any ventilatory supportb |
89 (89%) |
59 (59%) |
<0.001 |
Non-pulmonary organ failure at enrollment |
92 (92%) |
91 (91%) |
1.0 |
Vasopressors at enrollment |
44 (44%) |
43 (43%) |
0.50 |
ICU stay (days) |
9 (5, 13) |
5 (3, 11) |
0.003 |
Ventilator-free days |
18 (2, 24) |
25 (7, 28) |
<0.001 |
Hospital mortality | 29 (29%) | 27 (27%) | 0.87 |
Data as median (1st and 3rd quartiles) or Number (%) as indicated. NA = not applicable. aMechanical ventilation on any study day; bmechanical ventilation or noninvasive ventilation on any study day. ALI, acute lung injury; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.