Table 2.
Models predicting minutes of exercise from morning assessments of three SCT variables
Model | Self-efficacy | Positive outcome expectations |
Negative outcome expectations |
1: SCT variables + covariates | 6.31 (0.36)*** | 4.14 (0.76)*** | −0.82 (0.77) |
2: Model 1 + Baseline exercise frequency |
6.30 (0.36)*** | 3.78(0.74)*** | −1.12 (0.76) |
3: Model 2 + SCT variable measured in laboratory assessment |
6.02 (0.38)*** | 3.92 (0.92)*** | −1.01 (0.85) |
4: Model 3 + Mean daily minutes of exercise for assessment time point |
3.58 (0.30)*** | 2.10 (0.72)* | −0.70 (0.68) |
5: Model 4 + Mean SCT variable measure for assessment time point |
5.98 (0.41)*** | 3.93(1.09)** | −0.92 (0.92) |
Note: Entries in table are coefficients and standard errors of the estimate for each SCT variable. Models were run separately for each SCT variable. Covariates were assessment time point, BMI, education; and weekend vs. weekday.