Table A1.
Estimates from probit model regressing completing a college degree on selected covariates (N = 10,170).
Est | 95% CI | |
Age at Wave IV | 0.043*** | [0.019, 0.066] |
Female | 0.130** | [0.046, 0.213] |
Black | 0.199*** | [0.084, 0.315] |
Native born | -0.235* | [-0.445, -0.025] |
Non-bio parent | -0.286*** | [-0.395, -0.176] |
South | -0.125** | [-0.211, -0.039] |
Par edu: no school | -2.283*** | [-3.141, -1.425] |
Par edu: 8th grade or less | -0.681*** | [-0.967, -0.395] |
Par edu: more than 8th grade, but not high school | -0.880*** | [-1.133, -0.627] |
Par edu: business/trade/vocational | -1.615*** | [-2.452, -0.778] |
Par edu: high school graduate | -0.819*** | [-0.961, -0677] |
Par edu: GED | -1.032*** | [-1.299, -0.764] |
Par edu: business/trade/vocational after high school | -0.718*** | [-0.880, -0.556] |
Par edu: attended college | -0.745*** | [-0.878, -0.613] |
Par edu: graduate from college or university | -0.401*** | [-0.532, -0.271] |
Ln income | 0.240*** | [0.176, 0.304] |
Adolescent GPA | 0.635*** | [0.570, 0.700] |
Adolescent PVT | 0.015*** | [0.012, 0.019] |
Adolescent aspirations | 0.125*** | [0.057, 0.193] |
Adolescent expectations | 0.208*** | [0.146, 0.271] |
Adolescent smoker | -0.415*** | [-0.537, -0.293] |
Adolescent self-rated health | 0.077** | [0.029, 0.126] |
Adolescent BMI | -0.007 | [-0.017, 0.003] |
Adolescent drinking | 0.032* | [0.001, 0.063] |
_constant | -6.820*** | [-7.747, -5.894] |
pseudo R-square | 0.321 |
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.001 (two-tailed tests).
The model was estimated using the Wave I/Wave IV Add Health sample weights.