Figure 5.
Transcutaneous whole-body near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging of ICG enables non-invasive assessment of impaired hepatobiliary excretion in polymicrobial sepsis. Fifteen hours post induction of sepsis, ICG fluorescence was assessed transcutaneously by a whole body NIRF imaging device over a time period of 300 minutes (semi-quantitative analysis, n = 5 animals/group) at the indicated timepoints. *P < 0.05 for sham versus sepsis (90.min: P = 0.019; 150.min: P = 0.001; 300.min: P = 0.005). Kinetics of emitted fluorescence intensities of ICG detected in (A) the liver region or (B) the bowel region of the abdomen. While different fluorescence intensities between sham and septic animals could not be demonstrated in the liver region, fluorescence intensities in the bowel region significantly differed between sham and septic animals. This hints towards a substantial impairment of biliary ICG excretion in septic animals. ICG, indocyanine green.