Table 4. Mean (±SD) comparisons of fruit set, seed set, and fruit characteristics of four pollination treatments.
Pollination treatment | Fruit set (%) | Seed set (%) | Transverse diameter (mm) | Vertical diameter (mm) | Weight (g) |
SP | 31.67 (2.52) a | 10.12 (3.76) a | 32.68 (7.70) a | 30.72 (4.49) a | 20.30 (12.54) a |
CP | 71.33 (3.51) b | 53.41 (4.62) c | 45.06 (2.33) c | 38.55 (2.82) c | 44.97 (7.02) c |
OP | 35.33 (4.04) a | 35.22 (7.02) b | 37.60 (3.99) b | 34.16 (3.56) b | 27.47 (8.22) b |
NP | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Different letters within the same column represent significant differences at the 5% level based on Duncan's multiple range test, while the same letter represents no significant differences. Abbreviations: SP, self-pollination; CP, cross-pollination; OP, open-pollination; NP, non-pollination; SD, Standard Deviation.