Figure 2.
Vote counting descriptive analysis of candidate risk factors for IAH/ACS. Vote counting is a descriptive tool that can be used to identify patterns across heterogeneous data. All candidate risk factors from the included studies were first grouped into a subtheme (which is reported along the vertical axis of each of the displayed graphs) and then categorized as to whether they were a: (1) risk factor (odds ratio (OR) point estimate and confidence interval (CI) >1), (2) an exposure that was neither hazardous nor protective (CI included 1), or (3) an exposure that was protective (OR and CI <1) by arbitrarily assigning each of these three categories a representative color (shown in the legend). Subsequently, studies reporting candidate risk factors were assigned a value of one within each of the above-named categories and then summed in order to display the stacked horizontal bar charts shown in each of the vote-counting summary plots. IAH/ACS, intra-abdominal hypertension/abdominal compartment syndrome.