(a) CID spectrum of unlabeled 16:0/15:0 PC molecular species identified in the lipid mixture isolated from the inner membrane (L. dumoffii cultivated on the medium without labeled choline), recorded under NP LC/MS conditions (phase A—hexane/isopropanol (3:2, v/v) and phase B—an isopropanol/hexane/5 mM aqua solution of ammonium acetate (38:56:5, v/v/v). The following elution program was employed: from 53% B to 80% B for 23 min, 80% B maintained for 4 min, 80% B to 100% B for 9 min and 100% B maintained for 14 min. The flow rate was 1 mL/min) in the positive ion MS mode; (b) CID spectrum of unlabeled PC molecular species with FA combination: 14:0/16:0 and 15:0/15:0 identified in the lipid mixture isolated from the outer membrane (L. dumoffii cultivated on the medium without labeled choline), recorded under NP LC/MS conditions (phase A—hexane/isopropanol (3:2, v/v) and phase B—an isopropanol/hexane/5 mM aqua solution of ammonium acetate (38:56:5, v/v/v). The following elution program was employed: from 53% B to 80% B for 23 min, 80% B maintained for 4 min, 80% B to 100% B for 9 min and 100% B maintained for 14 min. The flow rate was 1 mL/min) in the positive ion MS mode.