Figure 2.
ROI = region of interest; CB+ = non-abstinent cannabis dependence; CB− = abstinent cannabis dependence; HC = healthy comparison
A shows bilateral structural putamen ROIs (Harvard-Oxford Subortical Structural Atlas).
B shows mean (± standard error) putamen volumes for the right and left putamen among non-abstinent cannabis-dependent participants (CB+), abstinent cannabis-dependent participants (CB−) and healthy comparison (HC) participants.
In comparison to healthy comparison participants, non-abstinent cannabis dependent participants had significantly reduced left and right putamen volumes (F= 7.13, p= .04; F= 5.95, p= .02). After controlling for total tissue volume, these reductions remained significant (F=6.82, p=.01, F=4.69, p=.04). There were no significant differences in left or right putamen volume between abstinent cannabis dependent participants and healthy comparison participants (p’s > .1).